A digital PDF version of the templates in the Busy Art craft book. All 18 crafts come in a high quality digital file for printing and ease of use. Use these along with the YouTube tutorial videos or as a handy extra to owning and using the book.
All tutorials available here: https://www.youtube.com/c/BusyArtBibleCraft
- Creation (Butterfly)
- Creation (Colours)
- God Remembered Noah
- Jacob
- Do Not Steal
- Goliath
- David Danced
- Daniel
- I Have Called You by Name
- Jesus, Out Lifeboat
- Water Into Wine
- Forgiveness
- Zacchaeus
- The Good Shepherd
- Jesus Did This For Me
- Fruit of The Spirit
- The Ethiopian Eunuch
- Tell The Good News To Everyone
Busy Art Digital Templates (PDF)